Take Your Space
In what ways are you choosing to stay small in your life?
You tell yourself it's to:
😑 Keep things simple.
😑 Avoid and an uncomfortable conversation.
😑 Not attract unwanted criticism.
😑 Play by "the rules".
How might you feel if you could drop all those fears and concerns and just BE YOU? What might that look like?
Being authentically you is...
💗 Choosing to always have your own back.
💗 Realizing that speaking your truth is easier than swallowing how you feel.
💗 Knowing that criticism only means what you allow it to mean.
💗 Accepting that "the rules" were never truly yours to begin with.
How might your thinking shift if you could integrate those statements into your life?
How might your actions change?
Being able to explore these and other questions with you is what I do as a coach. I challenge you to find that place within that KNOWS you are worthy enough to step into the space you were born to take. If you'd like to experience that for yourself, email me jennifer@dailychoices.life and we'll do a free consultation to see if you are ready to begin the journey. They sky is the limit.