
As a white individual, have you asked yourself this question lately? "Am I anti-racist?" If you have, and you believe your answer to be "yes", I'd ask that you look a little bit deeper.

👉Do you understand the privilege you have to move throughout your day without fear for you or your children encountering racial violence or bigotry? How do you support BIPOC people when instances of this arise near you?

👉Do you appreciate how you can apply for a job without having to thoroughly research the culture to make sure they truly support BIPOC in their workplace? Do you help create an inclusive workplace where you are currently?

👉Do you fear being dismissed if you try to advocate for yourself at work? How do you support your BIPOC co-worker so they don't have to be the lone voice speaking for themselves?

If we want a better world for everyone, we need to start with ourselves and actively begin speaking up: say something if your company wants to cancel it's DEI programs, if you hear someone making racial comments or jokes let them know you don't appreciate it and take a moment to educate them on why.

If you feel unable to do these things, then ask YOURSELF "why"? Let's remember that we all have to be part of the push and part of the fight for equity because we are all still part of the reason it needs to be fought for.


The Search for Peace


Know Thyself